The Quantum World


Here are some questions that we are going to tackle now.

  • What does the word ‘Quantum’ mean?

  • What makes the Quantum world so interesting?

  • What is a Quantum computer?

If you want to find out the answers to these questions, watch the video below.


Quantum for Kids: A Video Animation by TTLAB


Short Quiz

Let’s see how much you remember from the video.

Try to answer these questions and when you’re done, click the button to find out if you were right!

  • How many quantum behaviours did we talk about in the video?

In the video, we spoke about 3 different quantum behaviours.

  • Do you remember what the quantum behaviours were called?

The 3 quantum behaviours are: Superposition, Interference and Entanglement. Did you get that?

  • What is the name of quantum behaviour that allows quantum objects to be connected over very long distances?

That’s Entanglement!

  • What do you call the quantum behaviour that allows quantum objects to add and cancel each other out?

That’s Interference!

  • Which is the quantum behaviour that allows quantum objects to be two different states at the same time?

That’s Superposition! If we had a quantum light-bulb, the light-bulb could be ‘on’ and ‘off’ at the same time!

So how many did you get right?