What does a Quantum Computer look like?

What does a Quantum Computer look like?


In the last section, we learnt the steps of Quantum Computing. You have:

  • Qubits - the building blocks of Quantum Computing.

  • Quantum algorithm - a set of instructions on what to do with the “building blocks”.

  • Quantum circuit - actually doing things with our qubits by following the instructions of the quantum algorithm.

  • Measurement - finding out the result of quantum circuit!


But what does a quantum computer look like?  

This is what a quantum computer looks like!

An IBM Quantum Computer ibmcomp Credit: IBM


And here’s another one…

A D-Wave Quantum Computer dwavecomputer Credit: D-wave


They don’t look at all like our laptops or desktops. They’re huge!

This is because in order to keep quantum objects “quantum”, we need to separate them from anything that can disturb it.
Also, they need to be really, really cold, colder than Outer space!

But the actual qubits are stored in a chip inside the computer, so small that it can fit into the palm of your hand!  

Here’s a couple quantum chips for you to look at.

ibmchip Credit: IBM

dwavechip Credit: D-Wave